I am so excited to share with you my 10 self care things I do before 6am because I didn’t always have a daily routine that consisted of anything that was good for me.  Being always too tired to do anything and then I realized that I was working against the grain.  I wouldn’t take time out for myself and that made me irritated, snappy with my kids and my husband and really not much fun to be around.

 Overtime, I started implementing different things that made me feel awesome and if you are wondering if I started them all at once, the answer is no.  Already being stressed out enough and it was showing physically.  I was gaining weight, breaking out and probably looked a hot mess most of the time.  I simply added one thing at a time and overtime I started to feel so much better.  My beauty routine was first, because to me, that was most important. 

Slowly, I started feeling better about myself and it really started to show with my kids.  They actually were excited to see me instead of wondering if I was in a bad mood or not.  Totally changed a lot of things for me.

Lets dive into my 10 self-care things I do before 6am.

1. Beauty Routine

All the basics, wash face, brush teeth, floss, and moisturize.

2. Create My To Do List For The Day

This saves me so much time through out the day.  My brain is usually more  alive and I am able to prioritize  early in the morning.

3. Make My Bed

This literally takes 2 minutes tops, but I feel so accomplished early in the morning.  I love walking into my room and at least seeing that my bed is nice and neat.

4. Drink My Coffee/Green Tea

This is my me time.  I absolutely love coffee and green tea.  I love curling up with my favorite book and sipping away, it totally is my zen time.

5. Read At Least 15 Mins

I am always reading self-motivation, self-improvement or just good quality inspirational books to get my day going.  I find that when I do read positive information, I have a more productive day.

6. Five Minutes of Stretching

I have a routine that I go through in the morning that stretches and wakes up my whole body and clears my mind.

7. Deep Breathing

I know it may sound weird, but just one minute of deep breathing gives me enough relaxation to clear my mind of any unnecessary worries or stresses that are just floating around.

8. Go For A Run

I hate running but my waist line loves it, and well, so does my mind.  I am the type of person who overthinks everything, so this helps keep my overthinking in check.

9. Eat Breakfast

After my run I always go for a protein shake because it is so low calorie and so easy to make.  I usually use the Dymatize Iso Whey in either chocolate or strawberry flavor and mix it with water.  I’m so basic but it’s my fav!

10. Start ONE Load of Laundry

If your house is like mine, I easily have two or three loads of laundry to do at any given time.  So, I quickly start a load early in the morning so through out my day I am not always waiting on laundry to be finished.

With that huge list of things, I challenge you to make your own list.  It doesn’t have to be like mine but it can be whatever you think will make you feel amazing.